Halloween Music
Dead or Alive - Oingo Boingo (Danny Elfman) Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo No One Lives Forever - Oingo Boingo Nightmare Before Christmas - Danny Elfman Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr Witchy Woman - Eagles Sisters of the Moon - Stevie Nicks Thriller - Michael Jackson Black Cat - Janet Jackson Halloween Theme - John Carpenter X-Files Theme - Mark Snow Limbo - Brian Ferry Devil goes to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band Wooly Swamp - Charlie Daniels Band Dracula Soundtrack - Wojciech Kilar 13th Hour - Midnight Syndicate Monsters of Legend - Midnight Syndicate Sleepy Hollow Soundtrachk - Danny Elfman Pan's Labyrinth Soundtrack - Javier Navarrete The Crow Soundtrack - Graeme Revell Bad Moon Rising - Credence Clearwater People are Strange - Jim Morris The Doors Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon Of Wolf and Man - Metallica Sandman - Metallica Devils Dance - Metallica Call of Ktulu - Metallica Bark at The Moon - Ozzy Osborne Mr Crowley - Ozzy Osborne Welcome to my Nightmare - Alice Coop...