
Showing posts from October, 2016


I am writing you as the Registrar for SFContario, Toronto's Autumn Science Fiction Convention, which you attended last year. SFContario 6 is coming up this Friday, November 20th through Sunday November 22nd. First, if you were waiting for our daily rates, they are now up, along with our at-the door weekend rates. See the membership page at sfcontario-6/memberships Next, the Aurora Awards, CANVENTION 35 are being hosted by SFContario 6. Brunch tickets are available, and can be purchased online to ensure you get a seat - awards-brunch The brunch will be Sunday morning, followed by the award ceremony. Space for the brunch is limited!!! If you want to check out what planned for the weekend, the program grid is posted as well, at sfcontario-6/programming Finally, we try to keep our records accurate. Please let me know of any corrections we need to make to our records.