
Showing posts from November, 2012


The link asnwers your qustion. MOst of what we ar etalking about is on the links I provded. I ve been aswern in their, ie your ballon question, and then teh silcon debates. Evoultion IS Random, but again, its a non starter. I am using Random in a dertminsitic way of couse, that is NOTHING in the world is random, since thats magic, there is no free will etc. But just like people think there will is free  and we have named our will "free: there is a class of events we call "random" like dice rolling (which certianly isnt random of course, in that the evn is indetermintable and could be either x ory. IT will be Y, but tis unperdiable, and preplaned.       Ironcally, to say tis not random purly on word games gives the creationist view point much more strenth.          Dwalkins says its not random becasue creasiont say its a problem. Its nicer for it to be non-random, makes eveone feel better. Radnom uncaring universe is bad, one t...