The link asnwers your qustion. MOst of what we ar etalking about is on the links I provded. I ve been aswern in their, ie your ballon question, and then teh silcon debates.
Evoultion IS Random, but again, its a non starter. I am using Random in a dertminsitic way of couse, that is NOTHING in the world is random, since thats magic, there is no free will etc. But just like people think there will is free and we have named our will "free: there is a class of events we call "random" like dice rolling (which certianly isnt random of course, in that the evn is indetermintable and could be either x ory. IT will be Y, but tis unperdiable, and preplaned.
Ironcally, to say tis not random purly on word games gives the creationist view point much more strenth.
Dwalkins says its not random becasue creasiont say its a problem. Its nicer for it to be non-random, makes eveone feel better. Radnom uncaring universe is bad, one that is planed, determinable is good (and I guess perficable). Hes a sap for saying this. So far hes resisted (and Ive seen this debate) saying that evolution is moral (creationist often say if we are not created we are no moral) but I assume Dwoein will give up this point as well. Intellecual weakly on the way. Dwaokins might be right, but hes acting like a sophist, not a scientist. I understand why, since he trying to covert people who live in illogicla unverse of the Bush world to the world of science but its still intellgual dishonesty. He knows better. At best hes using Random in the same way you or I use magic or miracle. Saying that evoution istn random is like saying the hurican caused by a butter fly wings or a burp or an piece of space dust from a comment a millonsminles asway altering a proton comeing to earth isnt random. True: determinstically, but in the popular since that the outcome is totally unperdicable. Tommow therw will be conditions on the earth unknown to us , if they are extrem evoution says all life may die and end, and none will adapt, or, some will live and breed. If condtions chagne or some or none will die. If they stay the same for a while, based on condions some strings of DNA willl be good or bad. What was good yesteday could be bad today and vic versa. All at the flap of the buttefly. Evlution is prolby the MOST effected by the implications of the butterfly effect, since life is basically faracal , and evolution is tied to weather, heat and time all of which chaos theory is all about. Determinstly of couse there is no "Random" but there is no free will either yet we act as if iti is. Just becaue you can say in a million years their will be weather dosn't make it perdicable. To say it will rain on tuesday of the year 24902 here, 2 cm and be right thats not random (in the predictive sense) But again you not using your number sense of random, which sense are you using. Dwokins dosnt care. He being romantic, asnwering romantic people, and using random like you use magic or mircale: he could easly say of course evolution is a miracle, look at the complexiity, of cousre its magical and worhty of worship and better than the O you get from god. Get an O from evolution is better! Dwokins porn bah humbug!
Evoultion IS Random, but again, its a non starter. I am using Random in a dertminsitic way of couse, that is NOTHING in the world is random, since thats magic, there is no free will etc. But just like people think there will is free and we have named our will "free: there is a class of events we call "random" like dice rolling (which certianly isnt random of course, in that the evn is indetermintable and could be either x ory. IT will be Y, but tis unperdiable, and preplaned.
Ironcally, to say tis not random purly on word games gives the creationist view point much more strenth.
Dwalkins says its not random becasue creasiont say its a problem. Its nicer for it to be non-random, makes eveone feel better. Radnom uncaring universe is bad, one that is planed, determinable is good (and I guess perficable). Hes a sap for saying this. So far hes resisted (and Ive seen this debate) saying that evolution is moral (creationist often say if we are not created we are no moral) but I assume Dwoein will give up this point as well. Intellecual weakly on the way. Dwaokins might be right, but hes acting like a sophist, not a scientist. I understand why, since he trying to covert people who live in illogicla unverse of the Bush world to the world of science but its still intellgual dishonesty. He knows better. At best hes using Random in the same way you or I use magic or miracle. Saying that evoution istn random is like saying the hurican caused by a butter fly wings or a burp or an piece of space dust from a comment a millonsminles asway altering a proton comeing to earth isnt random. True: determinstically, but in the popular since that the outcome is totally unperdicable. Tommow therw will be conditions on the earth unknown to us , if they are extrem evoution says all life may die and end, and none will adapt, or, some will live and breed. If condtions chagne or some or none will die. If they stay the same for a while, based on condions some strings of DNA willl be good or bad. What was good yesteday could be bad today and vic versa. All at the flap of the buttefly. Evlution is prolby the MOST effected by the implications of the butterfly effect, since life is basically faracal , and evolution is tied to weather, heat and time all of which chaos theory is all about. Determinstly of couse there is no "Random" but there is no free will either yet we act as if iti is. Just becaue you can say in a million years their will be weather dosn't make it perdicable. To say it will rain on tuesday of the year 24902 here, 2 cm and be right thats not random (in the predictive sense) But again you not using your number sense of random, which sense are you using. Dwokins dosnt care. He being romantic, asnwering romantic people, and using random like you use magic or mircale: he could easly say of course evolution is a miracle, look at the complexiity, of cousre its magical and worhty of worship and better than the O you get from god. Get an O from evolution is better! Dwokins porn bah humbug!
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