1,301,300 people

Showing results for number of us military

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Active duty U.S. military personnel from 1950 to 2003. The two peaks correspond to the Korean War and the Vietnam War. The projected active duty end strength in the armed forces for FY 2016 was 1,301,300 people, with an additional 811,000 people in the seven reserve components.
The USA budget for the miltary in 2011 was over 600 billion - almost ten times Bill Gates wealth. 

As of November 2, 2011 Total of US World War II casualties {Military and Civilian} not recovered is 73,692; by February 15, 2014 the total of US World War II Casualties {Military and Civilian} not recovered is 73,637; total of US World War II Casualties buried at sea are 6,061.


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