R&D for Tristian
I did the falling R&D for Tristian on 2015 (his failed year.) Several years ago 170 Jewish scholars and leaders from all four branches of Judaism issued a statement calling on Jews "to relinquish their fear and mistrust of Christianity and to acknowledge Church efforts in the decades since the Holocaust to amend Christian teaching about Judaism." When Timothy Dolan returned from the Vatican after his elevation to cardinal in 2012, he appeared on the popular TV show "The View." Barbara Walters, one of the hosts, playfully said to the affable Cardinal, "I'm crazy about you. I'm thinking of converting. Do you take Jewish girls?" Dolan responded, "My favorite girl of all time was Jewish." "Who is that?" Walters asked with a surprised look. "Mary" Cardinal Dolan answered softly. His casual remark suggests that the celebration of common ground can trump doctrinal differences. Bernard Starr is a psychologist, coll...