
Showing posts from March, 2016

R&D for Tristian

I did the falling R&D for Tristian on  2015 (his failed year.) Several years ago 170 Jewish scholars and leaders from all four branches of Judaism issued a statement calling on Jews "to relinquish their fear and mistrust of Christianity and to acknowledge Church efforts in the decades since the Holocaust to amend Christian teaching about Judaism." When Timothy Dolan returned from the Vatican after his elevation to cardinal in 2012, he appeared on the popular TV show "The View." Barbara Walters, one of the hosts, playfully said to the affable Cardinal, "I'm crazy about you. I'm thinking of converting. Do you take Jewish girls?" Dolan responded, "My favorite girl of all time was Jewish." "Who is that?" Walters asked with a surprised look. "Mary" Cardinal Dolan answered softly. His casual remark suggests that the celebration of common ground can trump doctrinal differences. Bernard Starr is a psychologist, coll...

2016 March 21st - Journal floccinaucinihilipilification

2016 March 21st, Floccinaucinihilipilification -Library screwed me and removed me from being first for printer lessons to not on the lesson list at all. -Watched "Gothem" the TV show where Gordon goes to jail for murder -My foot still hurts, and swells. It alternates between one and two. -Spend the day on the blog sphere -Not major tasks done including walking.

Humanity as a spectator to the end.+ JOurnal

Wednesday, March 16 2016 My foot had healed, with minor swelling. What has it been two or three weeks? Only one really bad week of utter, terrible crippling pain. For those weeks only death was wished for, as ever pain killer I could find keep me some what fuctioning. Then, slowly the distractions of watching Television and Digital video Disks and s few attempts at reading (failed bccaue of the pain.)       Now the pain is always their, but a single round of pills will end it. My thumb is still not functioning, but it no longer hurts to exist. For the first time in weeks  I feel more or less well!                        World Events  I was reminded that the world has only a few short months to exist before Trump rules us all and the missiles fly. What, we have until November, maybe March of next year to exist? The odds are I will not be here for the main event, but I may stay around for that - ...

what is this about?

Strange email from the CIA today 6-12th Grade — Central Intelligence Agency What do you know about the CIA? Have you learned about us in the movies or from

Hofstadter   says (p. 82):  In my opinion, in fact, the key element in answering the question "What is consciousness?" will be the unraveling of the nature of the "isomorphism" which underlies meaning.   The other awesome element of   Tron:Legacy   is the digital DNA.  This can be repaired by manipulating the holographic interface of an entity's identity disk.  In the movie this was demonstrated when Flynn fixed the digital DNA which then somehow resulted in the regeneration of Quorra's missing arm.  Although this is Hollywood's presentation of hacking incredibly complex system of codes (note that unlike most movies,   Tron:Legacy   shows actual UNIX commands being entered in the real world 2010 scenes, saving the fake interfaces for the Grid), it makes one wonder--what if repairing DNA and/or physical body parts really was that easy?

All Men Are Perverts: Trope

Aesop Amnesia : Eureka's kids learn at least twice directly, and numerous times by being on the ship, that Renton will do anything to protect her. They completely forget this in the last few episodes and a painful, both for the viewers and for the characters, reeducation takes place. All Men Are Perverts : In "Date of Birth", when Renton is caught looking in a porn magazine for advice on how to patch things up with Eureka after a miscommunication regarding her relationship with his father, the other members of the Gekko think that the tension between the two is because Renton has been pressuring Eureka for sex.  While the women on the ship counsel Eureka about resisting unwanted advances, the men come to Renton's room with whole stack of porn and start redecorating his room according to instructions in the magazines to make an atmosphere suited to seduction, well, with the exception of Holland, who is NOT amused, with   predictable results.     "RENTON! WH...

Sealed Evil in a Can, Doom

Truth in Television : Us, hopefully, with regard to our own   Sealed Evil in a Can , nuclear waste. The US Department of Energy has been researching   how exactly one could build a clear "Do Not Open" monument that would last for thousands of years and still be understood .         However, even if post-apocalyptic scavengers do decode the message   and   learn the hard way that it's telling the truth, they might stubbornly take the lethal radiation for a curse we placed to guard fabulous riches, and all indications to the contrary as deception. Hence the opposing argument for burying waste in out-of-the-way locations with   no   warnings. Why Do High Heels Make Women More Attractive?     Marvel's early Generation 1 comics, Megatron considered himself to be one of these, as seen by his distaste for killing an easy foe like   Ratchet , and in a later issue his joy at getting to kill Ratchet after the latter had learned some of the way of the warrior. Much later, in the UK story "The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire", he actually refers to the Decepticons as a 'proud warrior race'. The Transformers IDW   has turned Thundercracker into a Proud Warrior Race "That ancient race sure built a lot of weapons... I mean did they really need to spend all their time building stuff to destroy the universe? Like, how about the galaxy's biggest movie theatre or some kind of super-advanced water park? All work and no play guys, seriously." —   Grif ,   Red vs. Blue  

Conan the Barbarian

Barbarian:   Conan! What is best in life?   Conan:   To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women. —   Conan the Barbarian

They have a plan

"The Cylons were created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. They look - and feel - human. Some are programmed to believe they are human. There are many copies. And they have a plan ." — Opening title card , season one