All Men Are Perverts: Trope

  • Aesop Amnesia: Eureka's kids learn at least twice directly, and numerous times by being on the ship, that Renton will do anything to protect her. They completely forget this in the last few episodes and a painful, both for the viewers and for the characters, reeducation takes place.
  • All Men Are Perverts: In "Date of Birth", when Renton is caught looking in a porn magazine for advice on how to patch things up with Eureka after a miscommunication regarding her relationship with his father, the other members of the Gekko think that the tension between the two is because Renton has been pressuring Eureka for sex. 
  • While the women on the ship counsel Eureka about resisting unwanted advances, the men come to Renton's room with whole stack of porn and start redecorating his room according to instructions in the magazines to make an atmosphere suited to seduction, well, with the exception of Holland, who is NOT amused, with predictable results.


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