"That ancient race sure built a lot of weapons... I mean did they really need to spend all their time building stuff to destroy the universe? Like, how about the galaxy's biggest movie theatre or some kind of super-advanced water park? All work and no play guys, seriously."
Why Do High Heels Make Women More Attractive?
- Marvel's early Generation 1 comics, Megatron considered himself to be one of these, as seen by his distaste for killing an easy foe like Ratchet, and in a later issue his joy at getting to kill Ratchet after the latter had learned some of the way of the warrior. Much later, in the UK story "The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire", he actually refers to the Decepticons as a 'proud warrior race'.
- The Transformers IDW has turned Thundercracker into a Proud Warrior Race
"That ancient race sure built a lot of weapons... I mean did they really need to spend all their time building stuff to destroy the universe? Like, how about the galaxy's biggest movie theatre or some kind of super-advanced water park? All work and no play guys, seriously."
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